Did you know…?
Dental Bliss Offers Therapeutic BOTOX®.
Dr. Gilbert is certified in administering Therapeutic BOTOX® and has helped many patients relieve pain and feel better about their oral health. At Dental Bliss, we also also offer aesthetic anti-aging injections that aid in wrinkle prevention, smoothing of existing unwanted wrinkles, and the appearance of the gums when you smile. Tired of your “gummy smile”? Dental Bliss can help!
What are the benefits of BOTOX®?
Anti-aging injections can provide a wide variety of benefits for the health and appearance of your smile! The benefits of receiving BOTOX can include:
Less Muscle Soreness
Less frequent headaches from clenching your jaw
Slimmer Jaw Line
Less harm to your teeth and less dental work required
Wrinkle Prevention
Smooth and relax the facial muscles in the forehead, frown lines, and crows feet, and more!
Ready to learn more about how facial esthetic treatment can give you a more youthful glow? Call our cosmetic dental team today to schedule your consultation!